How Can Medical Scribes and Assistants Help a Practice?
Medical practices and offices have been stretched thin over the past two years with the international health crisis. Prior to this they were already dealing with demanding patient requirements, an aging population, challenging insurance requirements, labor shortages and other issues. Medical assistants and virtual physician scribes can off load scut work in a medical practice. […]
Ways Healthcare Providers Can Leverage Staff Augmentation
Healthcare providers like many businesses can benefit greatly from staff augmentation. In addition to being caregivers, healthcare providers are a business. There are many back office roles like billing, collections, accounting, bookkeeping, managing insurance claims that can all be outsourced. Supporting physicians with medical scribes is also increasing in regularity, as is the hiring of […]
Digital Transformation Benefits for Healthcare Providers
Digital Transformation has the potential to reshape and improve many different sectors of the economy and healthcare is no different. Healthcare providers have many rules based and redundant tasks that occur in high volume. Nearly everybody on the planet is a consumer of healthcare services at one time or another. Digital transformation solutions like RPA, […]
Nine Pain Points Business Owners are Facing
At Valenta we speak with many business owners and executives. We are focused on SMB companies with 10 to 1,000 employees. Regardless of the size of the company, or the industry they are in, we consistently hear of the same Nine Points from all of them. The Nine Pain Points our clients most commonly cite […]
How Automation is Key to the Future of Healthcare Operations – The Insider
We wanted to publish an article on a webinar and podcast released as part of our Valenta Insider Series. The episode highlights how automation and staff augmentation are the future to healthcare operations. The COVID-19 pandemic brought immense pressure on the healthcare system. The industry was already adopting newer ways of working and digitizing patient […]
Conversational AI Empowered Bots For Home Healthcare – Proof of Concept
The home healthcare market size is expected to surpass US$ 662.67 billion by 2027. The market size was $264.87 billion in 2020. This is explosive growth and projects a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 14.2% from 2021 to 2027. All of this is according to a recent study released by Precedence Research An aging population […]
Digital Person for Healthcare Providers – Proof of Concept
Increasingly there are new ways that humans and machines can collaborate. We have provided some POC demo videos of our work with Conversational AI. In this article we want to share an overview and a video of a recent POC we completed with digital people in a healthcare provider scenario. Digital people and virtual agents […]
Robotic Process Automation in Medical Billing – Proof of Concept
We recently release a Bot Proof of Concept for medical offices. The bot POC automation we completed used common software tools portals including Med Office Systems, Simple Practice and Claim MD. These tools are like countless others used by medical offices in the US and around the world. You can find our Robotic Process Automation […]
Tailwinds in 2021-2022 Supporting Business Process Outsourcing
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is not a new concept. Most large organisations across the globe have been using BPO providers for decades to streamline non-differentiated parts of their business so they can focus on the bits that actually differentiate them from their competitors (i.e. their competitive advantage). As a result, not only do these companies […]
The Year of the Pivot
Many people, companies, and industries are defining 2021 as the year of the pivot. This is understandable when you look at how our world has changed in recent months and years. Workplaces are pivoting, lives are pivoting, and the way things are done is regularly changing. A look at the stock markets right before COVID-19 […]